Community Game Night
Join us for family game nights, every Monday night from 5-9pm! Bring your friends, a game to share, and some healthy competition! Open to all ages.
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Join us for family game nights, every Monday night from 5-9pm! Bring your friends, a game to share, and some healthy competition! Open to all ages.
Join us for family game nights, every Monday night from 5-9pm! Bring your friends, a game to share, and some healthy competition! Open to all ages.
Join us for family game nights, every Monday night from 5-9pm! Bring your friends, a game to share, and some healthy competition! Open to all ages.
Join us for the Super Bowl this Sunday! Bring a friend, come hang out and get to know our neighbors with us.
Celebrate the beauty of Christmas with a candlelight service and outreach in the Tenderloin, bringing hope and light to our neighbors.
Join us for family game nights, every Monday night from 5-9pm! Bring your friends, a game to share, and some healthy competition! Open to all ages.
Join our YWAM SF Ministry Director, Steve, to hear a quick update about ministry in the Tenderloin and a time of prayer.
Date changed to May 15th! Join us online and hear what’s happening in the Tenderloin! It’s a great chance to catch up with YWAM SF staff, hear stories of what God is doing, and ways you can be a part. We will be sharing about the Thursday Food Pantry and ways we’re connecting with our housed neighbors.
Grab your lunch and join us on Zoom.
Join our Ministry Director, Steve Binnquist, as he shares updates ministry and opportunities to connect at YWAM San Francisco.
You’re welcome to bring any questions you have!
YWAM SF Community Night
Hosted with Because Justice Matters
Free event
Doors open at 6:30 pm, light refreshments provided
The event begins at 7 pm
Do you see that changes in systemic issues are needed, but struggle with how to engage? Are you looking for local ways to make a difference?
Join Michelle Ferrigno Warren, a nationally recognized faith-rooted activist and author, and local community advocates as they talk about faith, justice, and how communities can join together for a more peace-filled world.
The night will be filled with music, hearing from local justice movement leaders, and hearing from Michelle about her new book, Join the Resistance, Step Into the Good Work of Kingdom Justice, which practically equips the people of God to step into the work of kingdom justice.
A bonus to the night will be the opportunity to be a part of a collective art installation for peace in the Tenderloin!
Meet at Daly City Bart Station, outside of the station on Niantic Avenue.
Join some of our YWAM SF Staff for a prayer walk across San Francisco. Beginning at the Daly City BART station, the group will go up Mt. Davidson and Twin Peaks, and out to the Municipal Pier waterfront. Along this walk, prayer points and history will be shared by YWAM SF director, Tim Svoboda.
This is a great opportunity to spend some time with brothers and sisters in Christ praying for this city as we enter 2024.
If you are unable to attend, join us at various locations live through the YWAM SF YouTube Channel to pray with us: https://bit.ly/ywamsf-youtube
Join our Ministry Director, Steve Binnquist, as he shares updates about teams and training at YWAM San Francisco. If you’ve ever joined us for a weekend or week-long outreach, a Discipleship Training School, or other training opportunity, or wanted to know more, this call is for you.
You’re welcome to bring any questions you have!
Join our Ministry Director, Steve Binnquist, as he shares exciting updates for the new year and stories of lives changed over the holiday season.
You’re welcome to bring any questions you have!
YWAM SF Staff Udom is hosting a very special Christmas Party!
This is not just any Christmas Party, but a way to bless our friends on the street and continue to share the love of Christ during this special time of year. The holiday season is always a difficult time for people who are separated from family. Whatever the reason for the separation we want to be able to create family and community, to uplift and encourage our unhoused neighbors. We want to continue to bless our friends the same way we did last Christmas, this is becoming our special holiday tradition.
If you are interested in joining our holiday tradition, you can volunteer, donate gifts, or donate funds to help! Volunteers will help set up, serve food during the party, and then clean up after the event has finished.
8-11:30 am Set up (light snacks and coffee provided for volunteers)
11:45 am Welcome neighbors off the streets
2 pm Close party
4 pm Clean up finishes
To volunteer, contact Udom at udom@ywamsanfrancisco.org.
If you aren’t able to volunteer, please consider dropping off a Christmas gift for a neighbor! For more information, please contact Udom by email: udom@ywamsanfrancisco.org
Spend your Christmas Eve with us on Ellis Street for a special Candlelight service and Hot Chocolate outreach. Share in the hope and joy of Christmas with carols and community, then spread that hope on the streets with hot chocolate and prayer.
6 pm Christmas Carols and Candlelight
7 pm Orientation and Hot Chocolate outreach
8 pm Debrief and Prayer
8:30 pm Depart
Join our Ministry Director, Steve Binnquist, on Zoom for a special update on the Tenderloin post APEC and YWAM SF ministry! We can’t wait to share with you ways God is moving, new opportunities coming in the next year, and how you can be a part of life change in the Tenderloin.
Free event, online only via Zoom, registration required.
FREE EVENT co-hosted with Lyrical Opposition
Housing in San Francisco. We have all read the articles and heard many stories about the struggles of affordable housing. What happens to those who are being priced out of the city they call home? Join us for a special screening of “Re-Entrification: A Place We Call Home.” This documentary captures the stories of individuals who are in the middle of the struggle for affordable housing through spoken word and interviews.
After the screening, stick around for a Q & A conversation with some of the producers, activists, and artists involved in the creation of this documentary.
Doors open at 6:30 pm, light refreshments provided.
This Giving Tuesday, join our staff as we reach out to our neighbors and strengthen relationships. We are hosting a special hot chocolate night on November 28th, serving up cocoa and hot dogs to neighbors.
Gather your good condition warm clothes and donate them to your neighbors experiencing homelessness this fall and winter.
Join us for a conversation with Shane Claiborne as we talk about living out Emmanuel, God with us.
YWAM SF Community Night, A free event for all
Doors open at 6:30 pm, Event begins at 7 pm
Light refreshments provided
The Tenderloin neighborhood has been a pain point for San Francisco for many years. It’s known, even around the world, for the many problems and struggles its residents face. Join us for a night of hearing from Del Seymour, known locally as the “Mayor of the Tenderloin.” Del will share some of the problems in the neighborhood, and bring us into new dreams for the Tenderloin’s future.
Del Seymour is known by many as the “Mayor of the Tenderloin,” he has been a member of the community for over 30 years. Del works closely with many non-profits serving both residents and unhoused neighbors alike. He is the founder of Code Tenderloin, which is a job training non-profit looking to address economic inequality. Del also founded Tenderloin Walking Tours which educates people on the diversity and beauty of this neighborhood.
Read more about Del:
Code Tenderloin Bio
PBS News Hour Feature
NY Times Article (2020)
Come for the BBQ, leave ready for Urban Community Discipleship Training School at YWAM San Francisco.
Join two of our neighborhood ministers online as they chat about recent happenings in our neighborhood and update you on new things coming up.
A special focus for this conversation will be four ways to connect with unhoused neighbors in your neighborhood.
Come with questions and ready to participate in the conversation!
Free BBQ! Come find out about UC DTS at YWAM San Francsico, and get your questions answered.
Join us for a panel discussion on the joys of living like Jesus. “The word became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighborhood.” John 1:14
YWAM San Francisco Community Night
Doors open at 6:30 pm, light refreshments provided
San Francisco is a unique space to walk out faith. As a church community, engagement is key to both understanding and impacting our city. But what does it mean for the church to be salt and light in a city that is unsure of the church community? How do we engage the city as a liturgical sacrament through our workplaces and neighborhoods so that worship is not a Sunday-only experience?
Join us for community night with local pastor and thought leader Toby Kurth as we explore the future of the church and how we can be salt and light.
About our speaker:
Toby Kurth
Lead Pastor | Christ Church San Francisco
Toby planted Christ Church in San Francisco in 2009. Prior to that, he worked for over 13 years as an entrepreneur and environmental consultant while pursuing a Masters in Historical Theology at Westminster Seminary and a Ph.D. in history at Stony Brook University in New York. During his time in New York, Toby helped plant a church in Brooklyn and God used that experience to give him a passion for church planting and communicating the gospel in cities.
Toby currently serves as the Director of the Multiply Initiative for Transforming the Bay with Christ (TBC). Toby is also actively engaged in church-based community relief work in rural Malawi and marketplace ministry. He and his wife Rebekah have three sons and live in San Francisco.
Join us online on August 31st for a conversation with volunteers! Hear about what brought them to volunteer at YWAM San Francisco and how that choice has impacted their lives and those they served. Mother Teresa said, “We cannot all do great things. But we can do small things with great love.” For many of us, it feels small to serve a cup of cocoa on the streets or show up on a Sunday morning and pray with people. For many of our neighbors, these acts of kindness, done with Christ’s love, can change their whole day or future!
FREE EVENT | Online via Zoom
Let’s celebrate together what God is doing here in the Tenderloin, register today!
Join us for Lunch and Learn online! Steve Binnquist, our Neighborhood Services Coordinator, will share stories of impact and ways God is moving in lives here in the Tenderloin. Find out about new initiatives and ways YWAM SF is sharing the love of God and supporting people getting off the streets.
We will have a question and answer time at the end, so come ready to interact and ask any questions you might have!!
Free event!
Doors open at 6:30 pm, for light refreshments and networking
Program will begin at 7 pm
Join us in celebrating the platform of women in ministry past, present, and future. Together we can redefine the perspective of women in ministry in urban communities, and explore how this can change the way we do ministry? Don’t miss this night highlighting the important impact women have in ministry.
Sylvia Kamande serves with Because Justice Matters in San Francisco, she hails from Kenya and found her way to the Bay Area via a ministry season in Chile. Sylvia is the Families Director at Because Justice Matters, working with immigrant and low-income moms and their families in the Tenderloin neighborhood.
Community night is a time for the Christian faith community in the San Francisco Bay Area to gather and hear from a special speaker about various topics. YWAM San Francisco hosts these about 4 times a year, as a way to strengthen and encourage the greater faith community in San Francisco. If you have a topic or speaker you would like to suggest you can email events(at)ywamsanfrancisco.org!