When I serve where does it come from? Do I have a jar where I wait until I see it full to share the contents with others? I believe you should share from the abundance that God has given you. But what if the judgment of my abundance isn’t in line with God?
I met Curtis when I first came to YWAM in the summer of 2010, with long hair and a long beard. The hair and beard have not changed. Every Wednesday Curtis walks from the Embarcadero to YWAM to take a shower and then stays into the afternoon to make popcorn for movie day in the Ellis Room.
Curtis lives his life pouring into others with anything and everything he has. All he owns in his life is contained on a utility dolly that he brings everywhere he goes. He helps the vendors set-up their tents for the market down at the Embarcadero multiple times a week. He gathers food donations that restaurants give him and passes it out to his friends. He frequently requests that I bring the kids down to see him just so that he can spoil them with cookies, ice cream, and any other new treat he has discovered. He comes in to use our showers, yet he stays to make popcorn and then makes sure his popcorn machine is thoroughly cleaned.
If Curtis was to look at “his jar” I believe he would see it full. But Curtis is too busy serving to stop and check his jar. He told me one time that he just wants to live in obedience with the Big One upstairs.
Every Wednesday I'm reminded to stop looking at my jar wondering if I have enough to give out, and just give. To be aware of God in everything that I do and to be obedient in what He is asking of me. Every Wednesday Curtis comes in to challenge my heart and my capacity for serving. Even if it’s just making popcorn for some friends.