We’re building relationships that lead to lasting transformation.

There’s brokenness in the Tenderloin neighborhood the same way there’s brokenness in all of our hearts. There are things to celebrate here in the Tenderloin, just at there are things to celebrate in all of us. God is restoring, empowering, and serving in our neighborhood, and we’re following His lead.

Here at YWAM SF, everyone has value. Everyone has a place. Everyone has something to give, and everyone has something to receive.

We come with open hearts to share and live the Gospel in the Tenderloin. Our neighborhood services are an expression of the living Gospel.


Our heart is for people to be restored to God, their families and others. We have a vision to see restored dignity and restored identity. God restores, and we're part of the work He's doing in our neighborhood.


We empower people to contribute to society. We equip them with tools for a stable life, to pursue work, employment, and housing. We empower people to be their true selves.


We serve people practically, first and foremost by being good listeners. We provide free haircuts, access to showers, and prayer. We accompany people to the hospital, court and rehabilitation centers.

“A gospel that does not deal with the issues of the day is not the gospel at all.”

— Martin Luther


Services Offered

Services are twofold, the proclamation of the Gospel and the activity of the Gospel. We believe that God seeks to engage the whole person, physical and spiritual, and we seek to partner with him in this.


Pop-Up Church

Making God accessible to everyone, by going to wherever the people are and being a blessing. Free snacks, music, and fellowship; every Sunday 7:30 am–9 am.

Bible Study

Developing engagement in the Bible and creating space to explore spirituality for Tenderloin community members, housed or unhoused. Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays 10:30 am.


Hygiene Services & Hot Showers

Operates Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, 1:30 pm–4 pm. Donations needed.


Free haircuts for anyone who needs it and those going to job interviews. No application or proof of income required. Limited styles are available. Tuesdays 11:30 am–1:30 pm.

Mentorship & Advocacy

Advocacy and support for medical appointments, ID processes, housing applications and appointments, and other services. Staff do this on a relational basis, come during times (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 1:30 pm–4 pm) to inquire.